More than a thousand enterprises and organizations across Russia from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean are our regular customers. We are interested in cooperation with interested companies in all regions of Russia.

RPE “ISTA” develops around its main idea – SVT®technology and specializes in creating exclusive pneumatic impulse technology for a number of different market segments.

RPE “ISTA” successfully works in the market for more than 25 years and has won a high reputation. During this time, our products have tried to copy many times, but no one has been able to repeat our individual approach to each customer, therefore we occupy a dominant position in Russia in all our products and services.

RPE “ISTA” is a full-cycle company. We develop, produce in our own modern production, we carry out projects, we carry out installation and maintenance of our equipment, which enables individual approach to each client.

RPE “ISTA” is based on the territory of St. Petersburg Polytechnic University named after Peter I, which creates unique opportunities for solving complex technical problems in cooperation with leading scientists and students.

service for cleaning industrial bunkers from freezing of loose materials and automation of unloading on the basis of aircannons ISTA-3™ and ISTA-4™ system; The form of the request for the declogging system.

high-speed pneumatic valves of large flow cross-section КB-28-10™, КB-40-10™, КB-80-10™ for industrial pressure, and valves КB-20-70™, КB-40-70™, КB-80-50™ for high pressure; Technology of diafragmless shock tubes.

pneumatic devices for throwing T-shirts – T-shirt gun, installations for the launch of confetti and serpentine Runfetti.

Special developments, pneumatic launchers for throwing bodies, test stands, R & D for the creation of propulsion systems.